Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Is Obama impeachment worthy?

       Is Obama impeachment worthy? I think that may be a little harsh. The facts are there that Obama has NOT been the best president we have ever had, that is certain. He should not have been elected a second term in the first place, but the people spoke! But, to say that Obama needs to be impeached for "America to stay Alive" is a pretty blunt statement. It is a little strong to say that one man can tear America apart in just 5 years. I do agree that he needs to be out of office but impeachment requires a crime, which he has not done.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Abortion: There is always another option.

     The topic of abortion has been such a gray area in National Government for quite some time. The first major debate for legalizing abortion started in the early 1970’s, in the case of Roe v. Wade.  Before that abortion was banned and considered murder, the only time that it was allowed before the 70’s was when the reason for pregnancy was rape. Abortion has never stopped being a subject in National Government, every argument from should states have the right to ban abortion or is it legal to consume an abortion pill? My argument today is that National Government should put a complete ban on abortion nationwide.

     Why did the subject of legalizing abortion even become an argument?  There is study after study that proves right after conception the fetus has become a human being. We have made this argument about so many other things such as women’s rights and rape victims, which I am not dismissing, but when we look at the bottom line of the subject matter murder is murder. I read this quote in an article by TFP student action and could not have said it better myself, “To declare a beginning of life at any point after the fusing of a woman’s egg and a man’s contribution is irrational and an exercise in sophistical chicanery. Only machines such as clocks and cars come into existence part by part. Living beings come into existence all at once and gradually unfold their world of innate potential.

     In the last 40 years 54 million unborn children have been aborted or for lack of a better word killed, in the US alone. Not only do we need to look at the disheartening statistics of the number of abortions, but we also have to look at the aftermath and the statistics of depression and physiological harm women have after having an abortion. Studies show that 80% of women will experience at least some phase of self-loathing, such as drug and alcohol abuse and contemplation of suicide after the procedure. It does not just end at abortion the side effects abortion has on the women afterwards follow some women the rest of their lives. In a survey the LA Times reported that 56% of women had guilt and regret after having an abortion.

     There are many experiences that I have seen and walked through personally that has lead me to have such a black and white outlook on this topic while also understanding that everyone makes mistakes and we all make decisions out of fear. But when we look at the bigger picture abortion is willingly killing a human being, how can we get passed that fact?  I know that there are many circumstances that life brings our way that would make it extremely difficult to bring a child into this world, but there are also many other solutions other than death.